Thursday, May 1, 2008

Say "Hello" to Gabriel!

This little guy is my oldest grandson. Gabriel Talon turned three in January. Gabriel belongs to my daughter AnnaMae and her husband Nathan. I had a special blessing when Gabriel was born, because I got to be there! He was so tiny (a little early) and so cute. He reminded me of both his mom and his dad. Gabriel has a very funny personality. He is very busy and does the cutest things. My favorite memory of him as a timy baby was the time he sat next to Pa Pa and watched a little cartoon on the computer and laughed his head off. He was not even able to sit up on his own yet, and there he was just sitting there cuddled up next to Jeff and belly laughing. We got it on video, if you ever want to watch it. He still laughs all the time. Gabriel loves to talk to me on the phone, which is very fun. Usually after a few little bits of conversation he says "Pa Pa?" I'm not sure why he does that, maybe it is because Pa Pa is his favorite person! Gabriel is also very curious and loves anything to do with being outside. Pa Pa likes to show him things from nature because he is so into it. We still have a flattened dried out frog that Gabriel found in the road on a walk. Jeff won't let me throw it away. "It's Gabriels" he says... When he was smaller he was a bit afraid of bugs. When he would scream and run we would say "It won't hurt you" to him. Now, every time he is nervous about something he tells us "It won't hurt you". So sweet! Grandma loves here babies, what can I say?


Unknown said...

Gabriel is so much fun! I wish we could hang out with him more often... No picture for this post?

I'm glad your back to blogging mom, it brightens my day. :)

annamae said...

i just read this to Gabriel, he was quite giggly with excitement at hearing himself described. :) and when i read the part about papa being his favorite person he said "yes". however i'll have you know that he talks about you both a lot. :) he's excited to go to your house soon!