No more sisters acting like mini mothers. No more big brother always getting to do cool things that you don't get to do. Now, it's just you. I bet he likes all of the attention, except when it means that mom (who has been home alone all day) is asking a million questions and wondering how he "feels" about something.
I know he likes it that all the "fun" food is his. Nobody else will eat it up, before he gets a chance to :) I think he likes that we are more relaxed with him now. This always happens with the baby...
My hope is that we will get to know him better. That we will get the chance to say the important things that need to be said and just at the right moment. (It is always the goal in your child's last years at home, to create a mutual respect and grace-filled love that they just can't resist.) One that will pull at their hearts in later years, give them the longing to call home, or to come and visit.
It doesn't seem right that my youngest child should be a senior in highschool. That he should be taller than his dad and have a sense of humor that is all his own. It seems like yesterday that we were working on being able to play quietly alone and how to take a deep breath and try again.
I love this kid and thank God for the gift of his life. The house seems quiet now, but what will it be like when he's gone?
Maybe we (Jeff and I) will run around in our underwear just because we can...
Or not.
Almost empty nesters, huh?? I'll bet it all goes by in a blink. At least you can say you have raised great kids who have a faith you can be proud of!!
Im leaving a comment! haha I have read all your blogs but i left just one comment on the one about the purple bag for them all:-) As for this one, I am sure he is going to turn out amazing! You are amazing parents and we all love ypu to death!
Lol I think you should run about in your underwear just because you can! :P
I'm tagging you by the way, which means you have to post 7 random facts about yourself.
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